Is a group of muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system and hamper locomotion.
Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness, defects in muscle proteins, and the death of muscle cells and tissue.

Causes: These conditions are generally inherited, and the different muscular dystrophies follow various inheritance patterns. However, mutations of the dystrophin gene and nutritional defects (with no genetics history) at the prenatal stage are also possible in about 33% of people affected by DMD. The main cause of the Duchenne and Becker types of muscular dystrophy is the muscle tissue's cytoskeletal impairment to properly create the functional protein dystrophin and dystrophin-associated protein complex.

  • Progressive muscular wasting
  • Poor balance
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Scoliosis (curvature of the spine and the
  • Inability to walk
  • Frequent falls
  • Waddling gait
  • Calf deformation
  • Limited range of movement
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Joint contractures
  • Muscle spasms

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      April 2013

